عنوان الموضوع : Write a paragraph about your favorite kind of art and
مقدم من طرف منتديات نساء الجزائر

Write a paragraph about your favorite kind of art and

Write a paragraph about your favorite kind of art and
your favorite artist.Use some of the phrases from the box.

interested in-fascinated by-inspired by-
moved by-influenced by.

Im a big fan of----------- ------------is
my favorite--------------

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please help me

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والله عيوني أناى جد آسفة على التأخير,,, بس والله ظروف,,,

..wel.among all kinds of Arts; i find myself more interested in Ballet; when i watch a Balett playor i watch a Ballerina plays; i find myself very much fascinated by her moves; which are inspired bythe beautiful music that draws the lines that will be followed by the Ballerina; sure there are so many kinds of Arts that are sofisticated as well; but am much take by the Ballet....h

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يسلمو كتير بشكرك

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