عنوان الموضوع : ما هي انسب الطرق لازالة اثار بقع حب الشباب ؟ وهل يوجد اجهزه لذلك؟ -للعناية بالبشرة
مقدم من طرف منتديات نساء الجزائر

ما هي انسب الطرق لازالة اثار بقع حب الشباب ؟ وهل يوجد اجهزه لذلك؟

حب الشباب هو ليس مرضاً على الاطلاق ولكنه ينتج بسبب زيادة الافرازات الدهنيه في الوجه والعنق والكتف وأعلى الظهر وليس له علاج نهائي ولكن يمكن التخفيف من حدة ظهور البثور وبالتالي من الاثار التي يتركها مستقبلا..
اذا كانت البثور ذات رءوس بيضاء او سوداء فهذا يدل على تكاثر البكتيريا داخلها مما سبب التهابها والعلاج يكون كالتالي لمنع تكاثر البكتيريا..
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ولكن يفضل الأنواع الأولى فتأثيرها أقوى ولكن يعيبها غلاء الثمن
اما بالنسبه لازالة اثاره فلا ينصح بالتفكير بهذه المرحله الا بعد تجاوز سن 25 سنه واذا كانت الاثار خفيفه وهذا يدل على حرص الشخص المصاب واهتمامه بالعلاج المبكر ونظافة الاماكن المصابه وعدم لمسها بالايادي الملوثه او محاولة عصرها لاستخراج محتواها فيكتفى بالتقشير على وقد يستغرق4 اشهر حسب الحاله ولا ضرر من ذلك (Aبريتن ) المدى الطويل بالاستعانة
اما في حالة الاثار الشديده فلا مفر من اللجوء الى طبيب التجميل لعمل التقشير العميق باستخدام جهاز اكسين ولا يوجد اي اثار
جانبيه تذكر وهو متوفر بالسعوديه ايضاً ويتطلب موضوع الازاله النهائيه من 5 جلسات الى 8 جلسات .
حسب شدة الحاله وهو مضمون النتائج.

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مشكوررررررررررة قلبى

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AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Hunter Wise Financial Group, LLC's office in Austin, Texas, is pleased to announce the sale/recapitalization of Value Merchandise International, Inc. based in Minneapolis to an investor group operating as Value Merchandise International, LLC.

Value Merchandise International, Inc. (VMI), founded in 1996, is one of the largest and most successful wholesalers of merchandise in the "closeout"industry, with customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. Shareholders of VMI engaged the Austin, Texas office of Hunter Wise Financial, LLC to market the business and connect with a financial acquirer. Phillip Wilhite, a Managing Director in Hunter Wise's Austin office, explains.

"The shareholders of Value Merchandise International were extremely successful in building a stable, growing business, with a solid management team, enabling the business to command an excellent valuation in the transaction. We expect the company to continue its record of solid revenue and profit growth, as the injection of new growth capital coupled with energetic management pays dividends going forward," Mr. Wilhite said.

About Hunter Wise Financial Group, LLC

Headquartered in Irvine, California, with 13 offices throughout the U.S. and offices in Beijing and London, Hunter Wise Financial Group, LLC, is a specialized investment bank providing the highest quality level of corporate financing, merger, acquisition, divestiture and advisory services. The Company's clients include small to medium-sized public companies, as well as selected middle market privately-held businesses.

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المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة esselryowelve
austin, texas, jan. 7, 2013 /prnewswire/ -- hunter wise financial group, llc's office in austin, texas, is pleased to announce the sale/recapitalization of value merchandise international, inc. Based in minneapolis to an investor group operating as value merchandise international, llc.

Value merchandise international, inc. (vmi), founded in 1996, is one of the largest and most successful wholesalers of merchandise in the "closeout"industry, with customers throughout the u.s. And canada. Shareholders of vmi engaged the austin, texas office of hunter wise financial, llc to market the business and connect with a financial acquirer. Phillip wilhite, a managing director in hunter wise's austin office, explains.

"the shareholders of value merchandise international were extremely successful in building a stable, growing business, with a solid management team, enabling the business to command an excellent valuation in the transaction. We expect the company to continue its record of solid revenue and profit growth, as the injection of new growth capital coupled with energetic management pays dividends going forward," mr. Wilhite said.

About hunter wise financial group, llc

headquartered in irvine, california, with 13 offices throughout the u.s. And offices in beijing and london, hunter wise financial group, llc, is a specialized investment bank providing the highest quality level of corporate financing, merger, acquisition, divestiture and advisory services. The company's clients include small to medium-sized public companies, as well as selected middle market privately-held businesses.

ده انجليزي يا مرسي ؟ خخخخخخخخ

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