عنوان الموضوع : TV and the Arab World??????
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TV and the Arab World??????

salam everybody
the topic that i propose today is very important i guess.
i hope that i will find nice disscussion from all of you.
The question that is burnning in my mind is the following:
Do we watch TV or do we see it????????
actually,i believe that most of us look at TV without ever seeing it.we seem to measure our time by what's on and when does it start.But few of us think about what it is that we look at.
and consequently they form no critical view. The result of course is that we are easily manipulated by TV.
TV is all around us,and what surrounds us may have an effect in some manner.
The way out is to become critics of what we see, a suggestion that is far more rewarding than it might sound. The same suggestion is made by Michael Novak:

Prime-time television is worthy of a serious critical effort.
If one watches a show, and tries to criticize it afterwards,
the effort bears fruit; and the shows bear scrutiny. The
television camera is a very rich instrument of creativity,
and the power of its impressions, even when the subject
matter is prosaic, it is quite remarkable.

Now we should try to srcutenize what we watch,i'd rather say we should see TV not watch it.
siham sweetheart.

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tank you siham

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